
Christos Harpantidis, Area Vice President of PMI South East Europe Cluster

New Chapter for PMI in Serbia

Celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of the acquisition of the then Niš Tobacco Industries by company Philip Morris International were crowned with the announcement...

Boban Đurović, President of the Municipality of Vrnjačka Banja

This Spa Functions Year-Round

Vrnjačka Banja welcomed this season with the country’s largest water park, a panoramic big wheel and new four- and five-star hotels… Thanks to its...

Goran Đurić, Owner and Director, EuroCons Group

Twenty Years of Innovation and Excellence

The EuroCons Group is recognised on the market for its cleanroom technology, which finds wide applications in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine, but also...

Medeja Lončar, Siemens CEO

Acting Responsibly Today Is Our Legacy For Tomorrow

Siemens has endeavoured since its very inception to improve people’s lives with the help of technology. It introduced electrification to the world of the...

Aleksandar Goračinov, Project Director, SME Hub

Encouraging Domestic Producers To Grow And Develop

The project SME HUB is the result of a public-private partnership between the Government of Switzerland, which is represented by the Swiss Agency for...

H.E. Giles Norman, Ambassador Of Canada

Reaching To Our Better Selves

Optimism and energy are words that are almost never found in the same sentence these days, but, if we take a step back, Serbia’s energy situation is set to improve… and maybe quite a bit ~ Giles Norman

For all the horror being visited on their land, and on the cusp of a dark, hard, winter, the Ukrainian people’s spirit, resolve and tenacity provide reason for optimism. I am also optimistic that – during this season when we reach to our better selves – we will succeed in muffling the noise of ‘positions’ and ‘power politics’ and see people in their full humanity. People who are not so very different from our own parents, brothers, daughters, neighbours: people who hope and dream; people who wonder what tomorrow will bring. The words “optimism” and “energy” are almost never found in the same sentence these days, but, if we take a step back, Serbia’s energy situation is set to improve… and maybe quite a bit.

First, it has been made plain that no one can afford to put all their eggs in the Russian energy basket. Today, control of Serbia’s national oil company is in Russian hands, not Serbian. Serbia is today at the mercy of Russia for virtually all of its natural gas, and for the price it pays for it. This terrible energy insecurity and one-sided leverage has now been recognised for what it is, and the government is moving quickly to reduce this dependency. Serbians can thus be optimistic that, in the relatively short term, their country will be less beholden and vulnerable, and more independent and secure.

Second, Serbia also appears to be seizing the moment to jump-start the transition to cleaner energy sources. This brings a number of linked advantages, including greater national energy self-sufficiency, decreased reliance on declining coal reserves, and cleaner air, all while making a powerful positive contribution to the world as a whole. Behind the headlines of regional conflict, quiet, practical steps are being taken to build cooperation and integration between Western Balkan neighbours – through both the Open Balkan Initiative and the Common Regional Market / Berlin Process. Practical steps focused on delivering real benefits to citizens that create habits of cooperation and trust: what’s not to be optimistic about?

Xi Jinping Hails Serbia as ‘Steel Friend’, Urges Tech and Infrastructure Ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping has termed Serbia a "steel friend" following his meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić. He noted that the bilateral relations between...

Serbia and China Sign Free Trade Agreement

Serbia and China have formalised their economic ties in Beijing by signing four pivotal documents, the most notable being the Free Trade Agreement. This...

Ambassador Hasiyev: Serbia is One of Azerbaijan’s Closest Friends and Partners

Today, Serbia is one of Azerbaijan's closest friends and partners, proclaimed Azerbaijan's Ambassador Kamil Hasiyev at the opening ceremony of the Ruma - Šabac...

Ambassador Li Ming: China Emerges as Serbia’s Main Source of Foreign Investment

Over the past decade, Chinese investments in Serbia have surged 60-fold, establishing China as the primary foreign investment source in Serbia, shared the country's...

World Welcomes the Hottest Chilli Ever

The spicy "Chilli X" has been declared the world's hottest chilli by the Guinness World Records, after tests conducted...

Rothschild Legacy: Rare Artefacts Fetch £46 Million at Christie’s New York Auction

A vast collection comprising artworks, furniture, silverware, ceramics, and jewellery, historically part of the Rothschild banking family's private collection,...

EU Witnesses Record Surge in Packaging Waste Production

In 2021, the European Union produced 188.7 kilograms of packaging waste per inhabitant, an increase of 10.8 kilograms per...

Galenika Acquires Lifemedic And Further Expands Its Portfolio

Pharmaceutical company Galenika, one of the largest producers of pharmaceutical products in Serbia and the region, is expanding its...

Xi Jinping Hails Serbia as ‘Steel Friend’, Urges Tech and Infrastructure Ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping has termed Serbia a "steel friend" following his meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić. He noted...

World Welcomes the Hottest Chilli Ever

The spicy "Chilli X" has been declared the world's hottest chilli by the Guinness World Records, after tests conducted...

Rothschild Legacy: Rare Artefacts Fetch £46 Million at Christie’s New York Auction

A vast collection comprising artworks, furniture, silverware, ceramics, and jewellery, historically part of the Rothschild banking family's private collection,...

EU Witnesses Record Surge in Packaging Waste Production

In 2021, the European Union produced 188.7 kilograms of packaging waste per inhabitant, an increase of 10.8 kilograms per...

Galenika Acquires Lifemedic And Further Expands Its Portfolio

Pharmaceutical company Galenika, one of the largest producers of pharmaceutical products in Serbia and the region, is expanding its...

Xi Jinping Hails Serbia as ‘Steel Friend’, Urges Tech and Infrastructure Ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping has termed Serbia a "steel friend" following his meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić. He noted...

World Welcomes the Hottest Chilli Ever

The spicy "Chilli X" has been declared the world's hottest chilli by the Guinness World Records, after tests conducted...

Rothschild Legacy: Rare Artefacts Fetch £46 Million at Christie’s New York Auction

A vast collection comprising artworks, furniture, silverware, ceramics, and jewellery, historically part of the Rothschild banking family's private collection,...

EU Witnesses Record Surge in Packaging Waste Production

In 2021, the European Union produced 188.7 kilograms of packaging waste per inhabitant, an increase of 10.8 kilograms per...

Galenika Acquires Lifemedic And Further Expands Its Portfolio

Pharmaceutical company Galenika, one of the largest producers of pharmaceutical products in Serbia and the region, is expanding its...

Xi Jinping Hails Serbia as ‘Steel Friend’, Urges Tech and Infrastructure Ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping has termed Serbia a "steel friend" following his meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić. He noted...