
Ambassador Schmid: Switzerland Contributes To Serbia’s Efforts In The Fight Against Climate Change

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Switzerland allocates significant funds for energy efficiency promotion projects, which contribute to Serbia’s efforts in the fight against climate change, said the country’s ambassador in Belgrade, Urs Schmid, during a conversation with the Minister of Energy in the Government of Serbia, Dubravka Đedović.

As he emphasized, Switzerland is a very important trade partner of Serbia within the EFTA mechanism and in recent years is one of the five countries with the largest net investments in Serbia.

“It is particularly significant that Swiss companies in Serbia today employ more than 12,000 workers,” specified Šmid and explained that the new program of cooperation with Serbia until 2025 defines key segments, among others, climate change and sustainable urban development.

In the conversation, it was pointed out that Switzerland is donating more than eight million euros for the project of using RES in district heating systems in several local governments in Serbia, where heat pumps, solar and geothermal technology will be used.


H.E. Urs Schmid, Ambassador Of Switzerland

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Dubravka Đedović Serbian Minister Of Mining & Energy

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After the meeting, Đedović reminded that Switzerland has been one of the biggest donors to Serbia for years, adding that we can be satisfied with the progress of our economic cooperation.

“Switzerland’s support for projects in the field of energy efficiency is particularly significant for us, as it contributes to our energy security and independence,” the minister emphasized, adding that last year a project was successfully completed in which ten primary schools and four preschool institutions were renovated.  Užice, Paraćin, Vrbas and Kruševac, where working conditions for more than 5,600 users have been improved.

Also, as she stated, with the support of Switzerland, new heating plants were built in Priboj, Mali Zvornik and Novi Pazar, while work on the new heating plant in Majdanpek will begin in the middle of this year.

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