
Serbia Assumes Carpathian Convention Leadership at Belgrade Summit

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Serbia takes the helm for a three-year leadership of the Carpathian Convention during its Conference of the Parties (COP7) held in Belgrade, attended by environmental ministers and high-ranking officials from Carpathian countries.

Participants of this seventh assembly aim to endorse the new Carpathian Biodiversity Framework. This supports the Global Biodiversity Kunming-Montreal Framework’s implementation within the Carpathian region.

Additionally, Serbia and Romania will declare a new cross-border protected area. Climate change risk assessments, adaptation options for Carpathian forest ecosystems and their services, and the Inventory of the Carpathians’ untouched forests will be presented.

Opening the conference will be Serbia’s Environment Minister Irena Vujović, UN’s Permanent Coordinator in Serbia Francoise Jacob, UNEP’s Deputy Executive Director Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, the Carpathian Convention’s Secretariat Head Harald Egerer, EU Delegation’s Deputy Chief in Serbia Plamena Halačeva, and Adam Gwiborge-Chetvertinsky, Poland’s Deputy Minister for Climate and Environment, the convention’s preceding leader.

The Carpathians, globally significant mountain range, represent Europe’s biodiversity and nature nexus. They house some of Europe’s last natural forests, offering crucial habitats for various endangered species, including large carnivore populations. They also serve as sources for major rivers, integral to the continent’s ecosystem.


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The Carpathian Convention, established in 2003 by seven regional countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine – seeks to preserve the region’s natural and cultural legacy while promoting sustainable Carpathian development. It’s a multinational environmental agreement, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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