
World Conference оn Basic Sciences аnd Sustainable Development

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German Unity Day Celebrated in Belgrade

In the Serbian capital last evening, the...

Korean Embassy in Serbia Celebrates National Day with Grandeur

On the 29th of September, coinciding with...

Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce-Holycode Working Lunch

Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce SSCC held a...

Regenerative Agriculture: Key to Serbia’s Future and Response to Climate Change

The inaugural conference on regenerative agriculture has...

Rothschild Legacy: Rare Artefacts Fetch £46 Million at Christie’s New York Auction

A vast collection comprising artworks, furniture, silverware, ceramics, and jewellery, historically part of the Rothschild banking family's private collection,...

EU Witnesses Record Surge in Packaging Waste Production

In 2021, the European Union produced 188.7 kilograms of packaging waste per inhabitant, an increase of 10.8 kilograms per...

Galenika Acquires Lifemedic And Further Expands Its Portfolio

Pharmaceutical company Galenika, one of the largest producers of pharmaceutical products in Serbia and the region, is expanding its...

Xi Jinping Hails Serbia as ‘Steel Friend’, Urges Tech and Infrastructure Ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping has termed Serbia a "steel friend" following his meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić. He noted...

European Central Bank Readies for Digital Euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) has made a significant stride towards the launch of a digital version of the...

The World Conference on Basic Sciences and Sustainable Development, where 19 sessions were held with 68 presentations by scientists, opened at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) in Belgrade. 

During the four-day conference, nine young female scientists from Serbia who received the “For Women in Science” award presented their scientific research. 

SANU President Vladimir Kostić said that the deconstruction of science as we knew it is underway, that the entire discourse of science is changing, stressing that it is very important to understand the social, social and every other consequence that modern science offers.


Academic Vladimir Kostić, SANU President

Memorandum II Is A Plain Lie

How many embittered criticisms of the Memorandum I’ve heard from people (not rarely foreigners) who would later admit timidly that they hadn’t read it...

Serbian Scientist Gordana Vunjak Won European Inventor Award 2021

Serbian-American biomedical engineer and university professor Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic won the Award's Popular Prize, having received the most votes from the public in an online...

The event was attended by Garry Jacobs, President of the World Academy of Art & Science

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