
Donation To Institute Of Public Health “Batut”

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During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, staff of the Institute of Public Health “Batut” in Belgrade were particularly active in providing support and information on immunisation to the diplomatic community in Serbia. The diplomatic community was grateful for the support and showed the gratitude by organising fund raising for “Batut” through the foundation “Catalyst”.

On the initiative of Tobias Flessenekmper, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, funds were raised to provide equipment for work for the dedicated staff of “Batut”. He was accompanied by H.E. Virginia Pina, Ambassador of Portugal, H.E. Mohammed Belhaj, Ambassador of Morocco and Miloš Janković from the Catalyst Foundation during the symbolic hand-over of the donation. The office equipment valued at about 3500 EUR donated to “Batut” will improve the daily work of staff, who are committed in fighting the infectious diseases.

H.E. Mohammed Belhaj, Ambassador of Morocco, H.E. Virginia Pina, Ambassador of Portugal, Tobias Flessenekmper, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade and professor Verica Jovanović, Director of the Institute of Public Health “Batut”

Professor Verica Jovanović, Director of the Institute of Public Health “Batut” welcomed the distinguished guests and said: “We hope that we will together respond to every future challenge in regard to health risks and that this donation will contribute to this response”.

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